
Check It Out with Guest Lige Daughtridge - City of Rocky Mount questionable ethics issues discussed along with finances

City of Rocky Mount questionable ethics issues discussed along with finances. Check It Out with Guest Lige Daughtridge. Video available on the WHIG-TV YouTube channel.


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Rocky Mount Telegram Articles on Rocky Mount City Manager Rochelle Small-Toney and City Council Questionable Actions

Reporting by Rocky Mount Telegram - Primarily Staff Writer Lindell John Kay unless otherwise noted.

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Rocky Mount Police Chief James Moore - Rocky Mount Telegram investigative report on validity of crime statistics

One would think the City of Rocky Mount is safe due to recent reports published by Chief of Police James Moore.

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Did the Rocky Mount City Council violate the open meetings law?

"The Rocky Mount City Council may have violated open meetings laws

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When will the Rocky Mount City Council and Manager pull their heads out of the sand?

When will the Rocky Mount City Council and Manager pull their heads out of the sand? Who in the world is going to come to Rocky Mount when a game is cancelled due to GUNSHOTS not weather?

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